Thursday, June 2, 2011

"The Philosopher Kings"

A few months ago, someone recommended one of my co-workers and I to watch this documentary. Since I am so forgetful, I never thought I would finally get around to it, but I'm glad I finally did. Maybe today you did not have the best day because you could feel all of the negativity clouding your clear sky. At times it is not easy to overcome a challenge or an obstacle, especially if you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. What many of the custodians said in the documentary is true: sometimes you get frustrated and want to give up. But the next day, you come back at it stronger than before and finish what you started. In many ways, I find that we can all relate to the aforementioned statement. Sometimes giving up looks so easy, but in the end you will find it will cost you later. All I'm saying is this: if at first you don't succeed, try and try again. Remain persistent in following your dreams and achieving your goals because you never know where they will take you. It can take you places you never imagined, but only dreamed of. Follow your heart and everything else will fall into place. To realize that you have dreams to make a reality and goals to accomplish is like reminiscing how you fell in love with something or someone you hold dear to your heart. Except your dreams won't break your heart! LoL! Dreams, however, that do not become a reality are more painful to deal with than anything else. When we fail, our experience will only make us stronger and hold on tighter to our dreams. Whoever you are reading this, you're a great person capable of doing so much and of offering yourself to the world for the good of the people in this world. When doubts come in, just remember that they are there as a reminder of what you love and cherish most. Anything in life worth having is never easily obtained. It may take you (literally) sweat, blood, and tears,  but know that YOU CAN DO IT. I, AS WELL AS EVERYONE SUPPORTING AND RALLYING YOU ON, BELIEVE IN YOU. You don't always have to be recognized with an award or a ceremony to know that you have done well. As long as you know you're doing the right thing by doing what you love to do, is all that matters. Have a wonderful evening and I hope you take the time to watch the documentary. It can touch your heart and open your mind about many things in life. Persevere and remain persistent to achieve success. Don't let anyone tell you you can't do it because YOU CAN DO IT. And don't forget to put your game face on to get you pumped! :)

P.s. Here is the link to the official trailer of the documentary. Check it out!


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