Thursday, June 9, 2011


At work I sometimes ask my students to observe the scenery, to take in some of nature's finest elements. And you know what? They do. Today I had a group of brilliant and curious students. All of them were interested in being explorers. They asked me questions about what they didn't know, but unfortunately I'm no expert geologist. I give them my best to show them what I love to do best - TEACH. Someone once told me that to teach is a humbling experience because you give more of yourself than take. However, one definitely does take away one humbling experience after another. If you allow someone to teach you something, like nature, you can definitely walk away with something new that will help you be the REAL YOU, the best human being for the planet. It is no wonder why people observe nature day in and day out. There is so much you can take from it's gentle and peaceful nature. In fact, trees, flowers, and plants that grow in the wild take their time to grow and bloom. Before you know it, a perfect masterpiece has been created. Not only should we learn to accept the gentle and peaceful nature within us, but we should also learn to be PATIENT. One of the very many apparent flaws of our society is IMPATIENCE. Some things take time to grow and to make happen, but with a little patience we can all go a long way from where we are now. Therefore, today I challenge to look at where you are today and where you would like to go. Just know that you can accomplish anything you work hard for and put your mind to, but you will need some patience because you may not get it the first time you try. Give it your best shot and see where that can take you. So today go out and enjoy a breath of fresh air that many of our trees have provided you and let your faith guide you to what you hold dear in your heart.

Nature at its finest :)

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